Introducing our revolutionary new


We live in a world of content abundance.

The volume of data being generated globally is now measured in exabytes, and is growing at an exponential rate. Education is no exception…. in fact, schools are accessing and generating more content than ever before. eBooks, Podcasts, Student Portfolios, Videos, Music, Textbooks… the list goes on… Teachers, students, IT Staff and IT Systems are becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information. And much of this material cannot be easily accessed on modern mobile and tablet devices!

Digital Curation is the key to solving this growing problem.

Digital curation is the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets. Digital curation establishes, maintains and adds value to repositories of digital data for present and future use.

The problem with digital curation is that it is usually time consuming, boring, mundane and sporadic.

Now imagine if you could define a CurationMap™ using a simple drag and drop interface, that allows you to map out how you would like content to flow from one place to another:


Then imagine if you could define simple rules such as who can step things along a workflow, and what kind of TAGS items should inherit as they progress from workflow folder to workflow folder … all determined by the CurationMap™ you just laid out…

But most important of all, imagine if actually using such a workflow and CurationMap was as simple as dragging and dropping files into School eLockers, and the options for where items can be moved to appears automatically based on the prescribed CurationMap™.

And of course, if I was working as part of a team or acting as a content reviewer for a particular workflow folder, I would automatically be notified that there are items awaiting my review…

Now imagine how POWERFUL and easy it would be to find the files you are looking for, when TAG CLOUDS are created and populated automatically as data is moved around a prescribed workflow…

And finally, imagine just how powerful such a system would become if you can define CurationMaps™ for ANY of the eLockers you create for sharing and collaborating with others around the school community!

And one last thing… Just imagine how amazing my personal eLocker becomes when I can define an ePortfolio CurationMap™ for organizing, cataloguing, tagging and curation of items inside my own personal eLocker…


The possibilities are endless!

Digital curation is the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets. Digital curation establishes, maintains and adds value to repositories of digital data for present and future use.

A map is a visual representation of an area – symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.

CurationMap™ - Something new and exciting and very cool