North Kansas City School District
Staff from North Kansas City School District tell us why they chose to implement School eLockers. They also explain how they trained teachers and students on eLockers and talk about the positve impact eLockers is having on teaching and learning.
Choosing School eLockers
In this first video from North Kansas City, Instructional Coordintor Carrie Bailey explains how the district came to choose School eLockers.
Watch all of the videos with Carrie Bailey discussing School eLockers on the YouTube playlist.
Comparing to other products
Director of Network Services Keith Howe describes some of the advantages of School eLockers over other products that the district considered.
Watch all of the videos with Keith Howe discussing School eLockers on the YouTube playlist.
Listening to end users
Instructional Coordinator Tricia Scott has been impressed with the way that School eLockers makes rapid product improvements based on the feedback from users.
Watch all of the videos with Tricia Scott discussing School eLockers on the YouTube playlist.
Easy to learn
6th Grade Science teacher, Kyle Bundy, confirms that School eLockers has a quick and easy learning curve for both teachers and students.
Watch all of the videos with Kyle Bundy discussing School eLockers on the YouTube playlist.
Ready to go
Kyle continues to explains how eLockers doesn't put the emphasis on teachers and students to setup the system - it's ready to go from the first login.
Watch all of the videos with Kyle Bundy discussing School eLockers on the YouTube playlist.